Hello, my name is Diana Wolsink-van Landeghem. I was born in 1981 and raised in Limburg, the most southern province of the Netherlands. When I was 19 I moved to the city of Groningen, situated in the very north of the Netherlands. I like Groningen and I feel happy there. I call myself a "Groningse with a soft g". This is because in Limburg they pronounce the letter 'g' in a soft way, and in Groningen in a hard way.
I have followed several courses at university amongst them psychology and biology,
after this I have had several jobs. At first
I worked in a shop called "De Nieuwe Weg" ("The New Way"), an organic store. I did a lot of
things there and it was a good time.
I also worked in a "Wereldwinkel" ("World Shop"), a fair trade shop. This, I did for a year.
I liked it here as well, also because of nice colleagues. I, then, got a job at "Zinnzorg"
("Zinn care"), location Patrimonium. ZINNzorg is care for the elderly. I worked at the
wellness + day activity department, and amongst other things, at the Bingo. I worked
there for three years. In 2014 I quit the job because I wanted to do something else. For
a few months, then, I worked in a second hand clothes shop with designer clothes called
Viva! clothing. After that I taught myself webdesign and started building websites for
Since a few years I'm writing articles and poems for several magazines. In 2014 I have also
teached myself to build websites. Since then, I build websites for customers.
Since December 2019 I started my little IT (webdesign) company 'Diana Designs' and since
July 2017 my husband and I started our full service IT company Wolsink IT.
See also my webdesign page.
I forgot to mention, that I have also written six books (in Dutch). My sixth book, called
"Luminous eyes" has been published in September 2017.
I really love to write and I feel very happy that this has been acknowledged, because my
books, articles and poems have been published, and thus been read by a lot of people.
I write since I was eight. Thenadays, I typed stories on the typing machine of my granddad.
For the rest I like to read, listen to music, hiking, meeting friends and acquaintances, our cuddly guinea piggies (9 of them, from which 6 youngsters), our lovebirds Coco and Luna (they fly freely in our living room), and the most I love my husband Tirso, with whom I live together in Groningen.
Because I have a psychiatric vulnerability I have become Ambassador for "Fonds Psychische Gezondheid" ("Fund Mental Health"), to oppose taboo and stigma. I also created the website Een Andere Psychiatrie because I have different ideas about psychiatry.